we would all have our guardian angels on our wrists telling us He's always there with us all the time.
we would always be reminded of our 'waking hours' in those alarm clocks we put beside our beds every night, telling us He will always be there when we need Him.
He would be the bundy clock in the office so we would not be late, like we don't want to be late to hear the priest's sermon at a mass.
we would have all the our altars at home, called the clock, to remind us that He is at home, all the time.
that alarm sound on our mobile phones or computers would be His way of reminding us it's about time to look at Him and say 'thank you for reminding me.'
telling our age would not be a problem; it would only say how long we have been living with God.
that Big Ben in London (or the one in Manila's City Hall) would be the Londoner's (or Manileno's) patron saint.
that timer on your iPod (or Media Player) would tell you how long each Gospel song is.
that timer on Mr. Treadmill would be your guide to see those 'footprints in the sand.'
that even though we have our different names for our God (be it rolex, boucheron, patek, etcetera), we will always be telling the same Time.
that even though we live on different time zones, there is always 12 midnight and 12 noon on our watches and clocks.
(just a thought, just a thought...)
...and if Time exists, so does Space...
they cannot be separated.
duality. balance. yin-yang.
Siguro nga time is God.
Kasi it encompasses everything..just like love..aww
embraces everything and anything...
if time is god .. how does time say "let their be light" ..
also .. space is the third dimension. if you review your math. there is x (the point, 1st dimension) y (the plane, the 2nd dimension), and finally z (space, the 3rd dimension)
time is the 4th dimension where objects in space move and do their business ..
im talking about the time-space continuum, if you've read hawking.
what i know about my math is x is the plane, y is time and z is the space. we are the ones on the plane and we exist somewhere between time and space.
i have not heard about the 4th dimension, physically. or maybe i am not the messenger of this Time as God
"let there be light."
if time is God, He'll put the lights on on every nook of a computerized building which is time-sensitive.
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