Wednesday, March 21, 2007

“Church of the Poor” of the Philippines

"Church of the Poor"

I saw this ad line in Guadalupe today; to me it is ostentation of charity.

Where are the poor? I don’t know. For sure they cannot be found in Catholic schools--institutions of learning of the “church people” (of the poor) exclusive only to the rich.

Are the poor created for the church then? And where the hell is the church for the rich anyway? I hope there is no temple for the super rich? Oh! Oh but I exactly know where is the church for the politician.

So why use “church of the poor” hah?

Hay putek bad thinking talaga naman oo!

Poverty is not educating oneself to become comfortable but unlearning “how to be deprived of satisfaction.” *

*Of course it is just me.

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